Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 15

1 :] Watched American Beauty. One of my favorite movies.

2 :] Finished my field lab work and got to see my professor's beautiful home and yard.

3 :] Stayed out late with friends.

4 :] Learned a new card game and won at it too.

1 :[ My money making scheme on my other blog went south. Should have seen that coming.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 14

1 :]  92 degrees outside.

2 :]  Played some basketball for the first time in years.

3 :]  More toast.

4 :]  Going to be home in about 5 days.

1 :[  I burnt half of my breakfast this morning.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 13

1 :]  Nobody was hurt in today's storms.

2 :]  Thinking about going to bed early tonight.

3 :]  Ate lunch with Mario.

4 :]  Scraggy hatched from the egg.

1 :[  I did not eat healthy today.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 12

1 :]  Figured out that the Tron Legacy soundtrack works well with the planetarium light shows.

2 :]  My other blog made a lot of money on ad clicks today.

3 :]  The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne.

4 :]  Clean shaven.

1 :[  Where is my Saturday Pokemon episode...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 11

1 :]  Had a chocolate, peanut butter, caramel smoothie.

2 :]  My friends and I taught Culver's how to make poutine.

3 :]  Finished the most time-consuming part of my geochemistry lab work.

4 :]  I'm going to be home in one week.

1 :[  Almost forgot to do a blog entry today.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 10

1 :]  Field work out at the state park all afternoon.

2 :]  Dinosaurs hatched in my oatmeal.

3 :]  Ate cookies at Spencer's apartment.

4 :]  10 days of blogging already. Milestone.

1 :[  So much work to do, so little time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 9

1 :]  Survived another day of big thunderstorms.

2 :]  Starting work on my geochemistry lab tomorrow.

3 :]  Got a free appetizer at Beef O'Brady's.

4 :]  Watching Prisoner of Azkaban. 

1 :[  I need to shave but I don't feel like shaving.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 8

1 :]  Found out that Google Earth 6 lets you view satellite and aerial photos from the past.

2 :]  Made a super thick hot chocolate consisting of 3 packets of Swiss Miss

3 :]  Started my first day of planetarium training at Strickler Planetarium.

4 :]  Skyped into Colorado to talk to Jeri.

1 :[  My apartment building is completely empty and the dead silence is creeping me out.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 7

1 :]  Threw a crappy old boomerang around.

2 :]  Might have convinced a stranger to become a science major with the help of my VP.

3 :]  I'm eating a delicious organic Fuji apple right now.

4 :]  Watched a few of my favorite episodes of Firefly.

1 :[  Heard about Joplin, MO early this morning.  Very upsetting.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 6

1 :]  Read some of my research material outside at the Kankakee River State Park today.

2 :]  Watched this week's new episode of Pokemon.

3 :]  A big thunderstorm showed up with bright lightning, loud thunder, marble sized hail, and heavy rain.

4 :]  The Yellowstone/Tetons trip looks like it is coming together for later this summer.

1 :[  Didn't get as much homework done this weekend as I would have liked to.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 5

1 :]  The rapture did not occur. (big surprise)

2 :]  It was a nice day outside.  I saw a group of kayakers and some kids on inner-tubes float down the river.

3 :]  Drank some green tea lemonade.

4 :]  Jeri arrived in Colorado and loves it there.

1 :[  Forgot that the Higher Grounds coffee shop closes early on Saturday.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 4

1 :]  Had a picnic at Riverfront Park in Bourbonnais, IL.

2 :]  Got a lot of mail today and none of it was junk.

3 :]  A seldom seen geology alumnus showed up today in the lab.

4 :]  Found the third geocache located on my campus.

1 :[  My girlfriend leaves tonight for a 2 month long job in Colorado at a summer camp.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 3

1 :]  Doctor Donuts finally opened.

2 :]  My girlfriend found me some Cape Cod white cheddar popcorn.  I thought it had been discontinued.

3 :]  Found a really old picture of my dog when he was a puppy.

4 :]  Hour long episode of The Office season finale.

1 :[  They never actually revealed who the new manager of The Office was.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 2

1 :]  Ate a big bowl of Peanut Butter Crunch with a big spoon.

2 :]  Found a lot of good sources for my research paper.

3 :]  Got a new pair of jeans and some belts.

4 :]  I got my paperwork turned in so that I can be a planetarium operator next year.

1 :[  On two different occasions, I saw a kid run in front of a car and almost get hit.  Look alive, parents.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 1

1 :]  Started this new blog.

2 :]  Bought Danger Mouse's new album, Rome.

3 :]  Tried baked potato soup and liked it.

4 :]  Dressed like a punk rock star today for no reason.

1 :[  Realized it was too late to do laundry tonight.